Recordings from a jam session we had in the studio, in March 2016. Many people were playing, I am heard mostly on guitar or bass, and I took care for recording and cut.
Saturday Soul Jam
A solo jam on a Saturday afternoon. I play all instruments (except for the sampled drums).
Holde Maid
Eine flüchtige Sommer-Begegnung.
Basti: Vocals, Maschine, Moog
Frank: Guitar, Bass
Decadimento armonico
Finally, it’s done. I’m very happy with the mix now and have learned a ton.
Dubstep WIP
My first real attempt to produce dubstep. Not the poppy, over-wobbly dubstep that’s everywhere nowadays, but rather some laid-back, actually “dubby” dubstep from earlier days.
All elements were hand-played on either pads, keyboards or guitar, to give it a kind of human and organic feel. No step sequencers or loops were used. All synthesizer patches were programmed from scratch. Reason 7.1.1 was used for the complete project.
The track is not completely finished yet, I’m still working on the mix. Oh yes, and of course it needs a proper title.